Monday, August 19, 2024

Song and Follow up Email for Eric

 Hi Web 3.0 Lawyer from the Future, 

I need a bill of sale and purchase agreement prepared for the sale of my 2023 Volvo L60H. I have attached details of the equipment to email which also includes sale price.  I will need you to see this transaction through closing.

This transaction is a cash transaction, with no financing and the sale closes once full payment is made, a satisfactory inspection conducted by my buyer and an appraisal issued by the inspection company.

Advice on what the cost of representation will be and also confirm if you have handled matters like this in the past. You can find details of my buyer Here: -[I should take the time to match my fonts when looking up local businesses here]

Please email your engagement letter so i could go through your terms of representation before proceeding if this is a matter you can handle.

Warm regards.

Eric Vogt

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