Monday, August 26, 2024

Dissing Terry will only bring you suffering

From: William Terry <> 

Date: Sunday, August
To: Best Bitcoin Lawyer Subject:
RE Email inquiry

Dear Counsel, Good day to you and thanks for responding to my email.

My name is William Terry and my address is 4809 Laurel Creek Cir,Lexington, KY 40515. On January 23rd, 2019, I lend Kurt  Tuohy who now resides in your jurisdiction the sum of $550.000.00 with 8.5% interest on two years fixed term and to pay back January 23rd, 2021. Hey had only paid me $150,000 but still owing $400,000. We both used to live here in Kentucky at the time the loan was made, but He had now relocated to your jurisdiction.{ Type Jurisdiction Here} I was advised to seek legal assistance in my borrower's new jurisdiction which is why I contacted you to act as my counsel in retrieving these funds. There has not been any attorney working on this case. Different payment dates have been promised and I still have not received anything. My last contact with my Borrower, I was told I would receive payment no later than Mid July 2021 and till now, nothing has been paid. Kindly let me know what your fees would be on a contingency basis in order for me to inform Mr. Kurt Tuohy  to expect contact from you as you have been authorized to act on my behalf. On your approval, I would like to forward your details to him so He knows a law firm is representing me and I could sue for breach of agreement if He does not oblige to the terms of the loan agreement. I would like to give him this last chance to fulfill his obligations before we start legal proceedings if need be. Please do get back to me so I can furnish you with the required details to contact my borrower on my behalf as I know He respects the law and wouldn't want to be litigated. Before we proceed, kindly forward your fee on a contingency basis / retainer agreement for my review and if satisfied with terms and conditions upon receipt;We shall immediately proceed. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and understanding. Contact me should you require more information. I have attached here a copy of the Loan Agreement Promissory Note and proof of partial payment He made for your peruse. My borrower’s name is Kurt  Tuohy.

William Terry

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