Hello Best Cannabis Lawyer in Seattle,
We have been negotiating the sale of a 2 Quantity TBA 19/330ML PRISMA FILLING MACHINE" with a buyer in your region and have made some progressing price agreement. At this point we need an attorney that would draft a purchase and sales agreement for this transaction, a simple sale of agreement.
Find our buyers information below for your conflict check.
[unsuspecting buyers info here]
I also attached details of the TBA 19/330ML PRISMA FILLING MACHINE and I would like to know your rate and your retainer fee. Please send me your engagement letter if our buyer clears your conflict check.
If you need to review the Letter of Intent, I can ask the buyer Business Broker to forward you a copy, upon your request.
Please note this is confidential.
Thank you
Santos Ramos CEO
Used German Machines
SIGAB GmbH, Alt-Salbke 6-10,
D-39122, Magdeburg, Germany