Hello Seattle Cannabis Lawyer,
The Issues:
Sometimes in 2021, Jing Cao HK Limited went into an agreement with POSDATA Group, Inc, located at (Local Company Here) United States and as such has a legal contract accord for the production of AWS/SQL programing to produce a multi scanning POS system titled CXAL-01-7 to be used for scanning and conversion of our data from Spanish to English for the United State market only.
In February 2022, Jing Cao HK Limited company’s Auditors undertook an underground assessment into POSDATA Group, Inc activities it was revealed that POSDATA Group, Inc had begun translation of Jing Cao HK Limited AWS/SQL original software into Spanish and Chinese language and had distributed over a million copy to the Chinese market without prior notice of such information to Jing Cao HK Limited in total disregard and violation of our existing agreement.
A team from our office here in Hong Kong informed POSDATA Group, Inc of our finding and alerted them of our dissatisfaction in their dealings.
POSDATA Group, Inc owned up to this misconduct which is a breach of the terms of our agreement and agreed to pay Fifty percent (50%) of the earnings from the illegal manufacture, we declined their bid and demanded for Eighty (80%) percent.
Finally, after exhaustive deliberations and dialogue, it was agreed that POSDATA Group, Inc would pay us Seventy (70%) percent of the earnings from the unlawful manufacture totaling Four Million Six Hundred Thousand US Dollars Only ($4,600,000.00). and the supposed sum would be paid at the end of November 2022 and thereafter a Memorandum of Understanding {MOU} was signed.
Regrettably, till date, we have been inundated with a series of disappointing stories from POSDATA Group, Inc after the time limit agreed upon has passed and we are yet to receive any form of payment from them. On multiple occasions, they advanced roundtable discussion in relation to paying the said amount to us in multiple transactions but yet again, they reneged on their pledge.
Notwithstanding, my Corporation- Jing Cao HK Limited has sustained our good standing business relationship with POSDATA Group, Inc and we will strive to maintain the same but the pending agreed payment plans should be cleared.
My company - Jing Cao HK Limited would appreciate it if you can use your professional expertise to inform, educate and guide through a peaceful resolution to receiving our settlement.
My expectation of your service(s) for now will be within the scenario of a Demand letter to POSDATA Group, Inc on behalf of Jing Cao HK Limited.
I am of the firm belief that this model will activate a favorable reply/commitment from them in respect to resolving this issue in a mutually accepted manner and also ensure all dues are paid to Jing Cao HK Limited.
Additionally, if after the issuance and receipt of your Compliance letter, POSDATA Group, Inc fail to adhere and pay up, Jing Cao HK Limited would be left with no option but to seek redress in the court of competent jurisdiction after due consultation of your legal input for breach of trust.
Find attached herewith the documents signed by both parties prior to the disregard of our agreement and afterwards.
I look forward to your response.